Sunday, September 28, 2008

I Wonder: babies r us

Digg 1: I DIDN'T KNOW: airtel call home, free international calling

Digg 2: People's airbag 'prevents injury'

I Wonder sometimes how any of us "older generation" parents raised our kids without all the fancy gadgets and equipment that are deemed necessities today. I recently received an invitation to a baby shower and it included a registration with babies r us for gift suggestions. I went online and looked at the list in utter amazement.

My first shock was at the prices of the items listed. You would have to be a power ball winner to afford some of these items. In my day, a shower gift was something practical and small. A nightgown, some undershirts, or maybe a basket of baby toiletries. Now the expected gifts are baby monitors, changing tables, strollers that cost almost as much as as we used to pay for our hospital stay. They have to have a breathing monitor, an electric food/bottle warmer, teddy bears with heartbeats, or high chairs that do everything but feed the baby for you. We changed the baby on our beds, we were lucky to have a stroller at all, and we heated things up in a pan of hot water. However did we manage to raise our kids using such atiquated methods? I wonder.

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