Tuesday, September 2, 2008

I Wonder : the sarah palin bikini pics

Digg 1 -TALK2ME play: ourwwworld pilot game sample

Digg 2- McCain's Selection of Palin as VP is the Epitome of Tokenism

I wonder if there really are sarah palin bikini pics out there somewhere and when we will see them pop up on the internet. Seems to me the vetting process wasn't very thorough with all these new juicy tidbits coming out. When they were vetting they did find her membership in the
alaska independence party but didn't seem to find anything on bristol palin drinking and being arrested. Or Bristol's pregnancy. Sounds more like an episode of the new 90210 cw instead of a presidential race.

I wonder what does vetted mean anyway. Such a strange sounding word. But I'll wager that whatever it means, the GOP committee is vetting away in a frenzy to try and fix this mess.